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Turks and Caicos Islands
Sand sampling
Primo interstitial sand
Alejandro Martínez, Brett Gonzalez and Sarit Truskey (L-R)
Conch Bar Cave
Cottage Pond Blue Hole
Thomas Iliffe and Naqqi Manco
Pelagomacellicephala iliffei
Makeshift laboratory
Research team

Turks and Caicos Islands


'Caicos Caves III Expedition' was aimed at obtaining a comprehensive genetic collection of anchialine fauna across cave systems of the Turks and Caicos Islands. This additionally included a first-glimpse sampling of the interstitial fauna across Providenciales.

Support was made possible through GGI and the Peter Buck Fellowship Program. 

Atlantic sunset
Dead calm
CTD deployment
Setting the net
Deploying the net
The long wait
Retrieving the net
The catch
Onboard lab

R/V Hugh R. Sharp


Departing from Lewes, DE - this cruise was focused on sampling midwater fauna between 1200-500 m depths, with the hopes of obtaining several pelagic annelid and hyperid amphipod species. 

Jameos del Agua visiters center
Los Jameos del Agua
Entrance pool of Túnel de la Atlántida
David Brankovits and Brett Gonzalez (L-R)
Entrance to Cueva de los Lagos
Alejandro Martínez and Brett Gonzalez (L-R)
Black sand beach
Parque Nacional de Timanfaya

Túnel de la Atlántida


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